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Wellness Done Right

Elevate Your Weight Loss Practices

Feel healthier, happier, and more passionate about life by choosing TeleFit Health. We are a comprehensive weight loss clinic helping men and women live their best lives.  We offer telehealth visits, giving affordable care and solutions to patients within the comfort of their homes. We offer injections, medications, and sprays to help achieve weight loss goals. Our team is committed to supporting people on their weight loss journey, offering well-researched guidance and resources to better their lives. During your consultation, we’ll assess your health, needs, and wants, ensuring desired results and a healthy body, mind, and spirit.

a man using phone in a gym

Customized Treatments. An Upstream Approach.

We offer flexible telehealth visits, enabling patients to take control of their health and choose how they want to receive their care. Our visits comprise in-depth consultations, treatments for chronic weight-loss issues and conditions, and weight-reducing injections. We take a unique, upstream approach to healthcare, devising solutions that prevent and eliminate weight-related problems. Our offerings have been shown to aid and support diet and exercise, boost growth hormone production, enhance metabolism, and motivate patients to live healthier and more vibrant lives. We administer Semaglutide, Naltrexone, Sermorelin, Lipo-Trim, and Contrave or provide take-home kits for you to do it yourself.

How Our Weight Loss Clinic Can Help

Diet, exercise, and reduced stress are crucial to losing weight, but many patients find they’re ineffective on their own. Our patients often feel that supplements and support to their health routine provide the best results. Our injections and treatment plans complement your health regimen, enabling you to maximize your diet and exercise practices and promote healthy activities. We recommend and use safe, proven methods for men and women. We offer guidance and counsel and personalize our care according to our patient’s goals. One of our primary goals is to put an effective weight-loss plan into action, optimizing your health and wellness.

  • Vitamin B12 injections

TeleFit Health


Hours of Operation
Monday – Friday: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM